​​                                     Basic Principles of Microdot Racing

     As a child, we first played with simple games and puzzles such as connect the dots. It was exciting to see something that simple when done create an image, no matter how crude it was. On a much larger scale, so is life and Microdot Racing. But in this instance, we usually first have a crude image of what we are trying to achieve, and it is a matter of finding the correct dots to get us there. It is the psychotic melding of mind, body, and spirit into one focal point, image, goal, destination, or race, derived at by a countless number of dots of life. It is like when illustrators display pictures, images or artwork that is created by using other tiny pictures, images or artwork. You see one thing from a distance and as you draw nearer and focus in, you see what is creating it, or something additional, or totally different, but most definitely, unexpected. Similarily, in the technological world we live in today, those images derived from images are made up of smaller pixels, points, dots, bits, and etc.  Such is Microdot Racing, the necessary melding of mind, body, and spirit. A never ending task that takes time and effort to "achieve" (to get or attain as a result of exertion). It is the layering of everything in your life, past and present, to get you to where you are now and what you want to be later. Sometimes we get it wrong. Sometimes there needs to be a change. For without a change of course, there can be no change of destination. For me, true everlasting change came in the presence of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior through the power of the Holy Spirit. And in racing, as in this new life, you have to develop, feed, nourish, and train the mind, body, and spirit. It is an ongoing process. One step or dot at a time. But with each step you come closer to "achieving" your desired goal and hopefully becoming the person you were born to be. Manage what you can. Don't fret over what you can't. Even pray for direction. Eventually your percentage of success will overpower your lack and then eventually the lack will be so small, that it will take care of itself. Enjoy the ride. Have a fun adventure. Embrace the challenge. Connect the dots.  And for me, trust in Christ!           

  Paul Hart